Vacuum & Blower Fishing Systems
Available5 products
Vacuum and blower fishing systems carry fishing line through conduit by either pulling with suction or pushing with forced air. Wire or cable is then attached to the line and fed through the conduit. Also known as line carrier systems, they feed line faster than fish tapes, especially on long, straight runs of rigid conduit. They are used in new conduit or in existing runs where they clear debris as they feed the line through.
Vacuum & Blower Fishing Systems
Vacuum and blower fishing systems pull or push a conduit piston (mouse) that's tied to fishing line, feeding the line from one end of conduit to the other. The piston then ties to wire or cable and brings it through conduit as the line is pulled back to the start of the run. These power fishing systems are used in conduit with compression-coupled, threaded, or adhesive-bonded joints, which maintain the vacuum or pressure to move the piston from one end to the other. Conduit with set-screw couplings allows leaks that cause vacuum or pressure loss, stranding the piston within the run.
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Replacement Parts for Vacuum & Blower Fishing Systems
These replacement parts help maintain and repair vacuum and blower fishing systems.
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