Dot, Cross-Line & Plane Laser Levels

Available91 products

Dot, cross-line, and plane laser levels emit light beams that display as points, horizontal and vertical bands, or 360° planes when they hit surfaces. The dots, lines, and planes provide a reference for alignment and layout, especially in building construction and framing applications. Also known as laser plumb bobs, these levels are commonly paired with a laser receiver to detect light beams in daylight.

Dot Laser Levels

Dot Laser Levels
Dot laser levels project small circles of light to assist with horizontal alignment (level) and vertical alignment (plumb). Also known as spot laser levels, they are commonly used to transfer points from one surface to another, such as from floor to ceiling when marking placement for anchors, recessed light fixtures, and through holes.

4 Dots

Red Laser Beam


3 Dots

Red Laser Beam


Green Laser Beam


5 Dots

Red Laser Beam


Green Laser Beam


Single-Line Laser Levels

Single-Line Laser Levels
These laser levels project a single line onto one wall or surface for horizontal (level) and vertical (plumb) alignment. They are commonly used to assist with leveling countertops, hanging pictures, and placing electrical outlets.

1 Line

Red Laser Beam


1 Line & 4 Dots

Red Laser Beam


Cross-Line Laser Levels

Cross-Line Laser Levels
Cross-line laser levers project two intersecting lines for horizontal (level) and vertical (plumb) alignment. They provide easier placement and greater accuracy than chalk lines for tasks such leveling cabinets and counters, placing wall outlets, and installing light fixtures.

Number of Lines & Dots: Unspecified

Green Laser Beam


2 Lines

Green Laser Beam


Red Laser Beam


2 Lines & 2 Dots

Red Laser Beam


2 Lines & 4 Dots

Green Laser Beam


3 Lines

Green Laser Beam


Red Laser Beam


Cross-Line & Dot Laser Levels

Cross-Line & Dot Laser Levels
These levels project both cross lines and dots for horizontal (level) and vertical (plumb) alignment. Cross lines are two intersecting lines that allow easier placement and greater accuracy than chalk lines for tasks, such leveling cabinets and counters, placing wall outlets, and installing light fixtures. Dots are small circles of light that assist with transferring points from one surface to another, such as from floor to ceiling when marking placement for anchors, recessed light fixtures, and through holes.

2 Lines & 1 Dot

Green Laser Beam


2 Lines & 2 Dots

Green Laser Beam


Red Laser Beam


2 Lines & 4 Dots

Green Laser Beam


Red Laser Beam


2 Lines & 5 Dots

Green Laser Beam


Red Laser Beam


4 Lines & 1 Dot

Red Laser Beam


Plane Laser Levels

Plane Laser Levels
Plane laser levels project a line from each side to form four-line horizontal (level) and/or vertical (plumb) planes around the level. The projections intersect to assist with leveling, alignment, squaring, and plumbing, especially for tasks that require positioning along multiple walls within a space. These levels are commonly used when installing drop ceilings, recessed lighting, sprinkler systems, chair rails, and trim.

1 Plane

Green Laser Beam


2 Plane

Green Laser Beam


Red Laser Beam


3 Plane

Green Laser Beam


Red Laser Beam


Torpedo Laser Levels

Torpedo Laser Levels
Torpedo laser levels project light beams for alignment tasks and provide spirit-filled bubble vials to check whether surfaces are horizontally even (level) and vertically straight (plumb). An air pocket moves within each vial to take a reading and will settle in the center if a surface is level or plumb. These levels have a short frame with tapered ends to take readings in spaces that are too small for box and I-beam levels. Their compact size also allows storing them in tool boxes and tool bags for transport and protection.

1 Dot

Red Laser Beam


3 Dots

Red Laser Beam

Note: Product availability is real-time basis and adjusted continuously. The product will be reserved for you when you complete your order.
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